Error If you REALLY want Grib2 output from WRF, modify the arch/ - WRF 3.7 in Ubuntu (Elementary)

Well, i was installing WRF Chem in a server and also in my local machine, following this great tutorial, and when i did ./configure, i had the following error. I had all the libraries installed and environmental variables declared. If you REALLY want Grib2 output from WRF, modify the arch/ script. Right now you are not getting the Jasper lib, from the environment, compiled into WRF. I searched and searched and lots of dudes had the same problem. The solution was ridiculous, was change one line in VRFV3/arch/, the line 223, from $I_really_want_to_output_grib2_from_WRF = "FALSE" ; to $I_really_want_to_output_grib2_from_WRF = "TRUE" ; and ./configure in WRFV3 and, voilá The funny was, when i was searching for the answer, lots of people had the same problem. I hope it helps