WRF open_aux_u : error opening auxinput5_d02_2013-12-31_00:00:00 for reading. 100

So, i got this error:

Timing for Writing /scr4/sibarra/masp/health/wrfo for domain        2:    4.14512 elapsed seconds
open_aux_u : error opening auxinput5_d02_2013-12-31_00:00:00 for reading. 100

pretty weird because it a met run. According to http://forum.wrfforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=47&t=10003, they recommend diminishing the number of processors.

I ran with 32 and got stuck
I ran with 16 and appear this error open_aux_u : error opening auxinput5_d02_2013-12-31_00:00:00 for reading. 100
I'm running with  8 and still running. 


  1. I also came across this problem. Icould find a solution and have an idea of why it works.
    In the case when I got this error I have the following two options enabled in my dynamics control (&dynamics)
    tracer_adv_opt = 4, 4,
    chem_adv_opt = 2, 2 ,

    Both of these are WRF-Chem specific and hence WRF looks for input file from auxinput 5 (emission-related).
    I was able to fix this issue just by commenting out these two lines.
    Hope it helps the community.


  2. The error indicates that WRF cannot open the file Host Bet auxinput5_d02_2013-12-31_00:00:00, possibly due to a missing or incorrectly specified auxiliary input file for domain 2. Check the file path and permissions.

  3. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.


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