Usando exit y cycle en do anidados Fortran

Es interesante ver que cycle y exit pueden ser usados para saltar entre do anidados

PROGRAM test_cycle_2
INTEGER :: i, j, product
outer: DO i = 1, 3
inner: DO j = 1, 3
IF ( j == 2) CYCLE outer
product = i * j
WRITE (*,*) i, ' * ', j, ' = ', product
END DO inner
END DO outer
END PROGRAM test_cycle_2

que produce

           1  *            1  =            1
           2  *            1  =            2
           3  *            1  =            3


  1. This article provides a clear explanation of how to use exit and cycle in nested loops within Fortran, making code more efficient and readable. If you're a gamer too, subtitleedit is an excellent tool to keep your game library organized while you dive into Fortran coding!"


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